Monday, May 19, 2014

Arguing for the side you support!

You've worked hard on crafting arguments for both sides of the issue, now it is time to choose the side you agree with and build your best argument for it!

Your Task:
 You will be writing a short paper (5 paragraphs) that does the following:
  • -       Presents a clear, arguable claim. This is your thesis statement!
  • -       Supports that claim with specific, well-selected evidence.
  • -       Uses sound reasoning to explain how and why this evidence supports your claims.
  • -       Utilizes counterclaims and classical rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) to strengthen your arguments.

As soon as you start working, you should share your Google Document with  I will be checking in on your progress as you work!


Click on these links to find examples of arguments and counterclaims using ethos, logos, and pathos.

In favor of parental notification.

Against parental notification.

Click on these links to find articles and resources with evidence and reasoning to build your logos arguments:

In favor of parental notification.

Against parental notification.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Outlining our arguments!

Now that we've spent time crafting arguments using rhetorical appeals and writing counterclaims it's time to outline our arguments.

Click on these links to find examples of arguments and counterclaims using ethos, logos, and pathos.

In favor of parental notification.

Against parental notification.

Click on these links to find articles and resources with evidence and reasoning to build your logos arguments:

In favor of parental notification.

Against parental notification.

Making counterclaims!

We've discussed what makes an argument strong, done some research on both sides of our debate question, and today spent some time working with classical rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos).

Now, you're going to use those appeals to make counterclaims to your classmates arguments!

Your task is to write counterclaims for a brief argument on both sides of the debate question: "Should minors need to notify their parents to access sexual health services?"

Your counterclaims should include at least one of the rhetorical appeals we have been discussing.

Click on these links and follow the instructions to get started:

Making counterclaims for arguments in favor of parental notification

Making counterclaims arguments against parental notification

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Making the arguments and using the rhetoric!

We've discussed what makes an argument strong, done some research on both sides of our debate question, and today spent some time working with classical rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos).

Now, you're going to make some arguments!

Your task is to write a brief argument for both sides of the debate question: "Should minors need to notify their parents to access sexual health services?"

You brief arguments should include at least on of the rhetorical appeals we discussed today.

Click on these links and follow the instructions to get started:

Making arguments in favor of parental notification

Making arguments against parental notification

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Researching the Debate!

We've discussed some of the features that a strong argument needs to have, taken a look at some articles that make arguments on both sides of the issue, and evaluated the quality of those arguments.

Now, it's time for you to do some research.

Using the links below, or your own internet research skills, find articles that adress the following:
Should minors need to notify their parents to access sexual health services?

Remember, that sexual health services include: birth control, prophylactics such as condoms, abortion, and sex education.

Your Task:

1. Locate an article that addresses the debate question: "Should minors need to notify their parents to access sexual health services?"
2. Read the article and decide if it is in favor of notification (pro-parental notification) or against parental notification (anti-parental notification).
3. Go to the appropriate page:
Arguments In Favor of Parental Notification
Arguments Against Parental Notification
4. In the comments section on that page, do the following:

  • Paste the web address for the article.
  • Explain what claim it is making.
  • Write down the evidence that it uses.
  • Explain the reasoning that it uses.
5. Submit your comment, and then start looking for more.

Some links to newspapers: - The New York Times - The Los Angeles Times - The Washington Post - The Boston Globe The Chicago Tribune The Chicago Sun Times

If you want, you can just use Google and look outside of the newspapers: - Just make sure that you use reliable sources. Avoid,, wiki how, or other similar sites.  If you have a question about reliability, ask me.

Here are some search terms that you may want to try:
Parental Notification, Abortion, Birth Control, Contraception, Sex Education

Use them with each other:  "Parental Notification, Abortion"  or "Parental Notification, Birth Control."

See what you can find.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Welcome to the debate!

Issues of access to sexual health service are both extremely important and often debated.  This is just our first step into the debate on this important public health policy issue.

Now that you have spent some time in your groups, done some reciprocal teaching, and read an article that presents an argument on one side of this debate, click on the link with your article name and, as a group, follow the instructions on the page.

Be sure to read the entire set of instructions.  Use your reciprocal teaching roles to read them!

"Dr. Coburn Introduces the 'Parents Right to Know Act'"

"The 'Parent's Right to Know Act' Threatens Adolescent Health"

"Adolescents, Parents and Birth Control"

"Teens Opt for Unsafe Sex, Not Parents' Consent"

"Underage Abortions: Parental notification makes sense for families"

"Parental Consent and Notice for Contraceptives Threatens Teen Health and Constitutional Rights"